Sunday, February 04, 2007

32-bit management tools for Exchange 2007

There is a 32-bit version of the Exchange 2007 Management Tools that includes the Exchange Management Console (EMC), the Exchagne Management Shell (EMS) extensions for the Windows PowerShell, the help files, the Exchange Best Practices Analyzer (ExBPA), and the Exchange Troubleshooting Assistant (ExTRA) which handles things like message tracking, database recovery, and mail flow troubleshooting. All in all, the download is almost 700MB!

These tools require the MMC 3.0, the .NET Framework 2.0, and the Windows PowerShell. If you don't have them, the installer will prompt you to install them. I recommend making sure the computer you are installing these on is completely up-to-date using Microsoft Update.

These tools will run on Windows XP Pro 32-bit edition. As far as I know, they do NOT run on Vista.


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